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Table of Contents

  1. Some Roots of the Ottawa Protest– Years of Police and Political Passivity and Acquiescence in the Face of Indigenous Lawbreaking Created a Permissive Template for the 2022 Illegal Occupations

2. The Royal Ontario Museum’s Indigenization of Archaeology

3. A-First Nations’ Blockades Violate Treaty Promises- March 4, 2021

3. B- Indigenous Treaties Need to be Honoured- February 22, 2023

4. Canada’s Aboriginal Policies Constitute the Rejection of Our Enlightenment Heritage

5. The Myth of Indigenous Law in Canada

6. Our Supreme Court Grants Canadian Aboriginal Rights to American Indians

7. The B.C. Supreme Court Rules Human Progress to be a Treaty Violation (Followed by articles that show the foreseeable, disastrous consequences for Canada of this stupid decision play out.)

8. It’s Time of End Section 35 of the Constitution

9. The State and Economy-Weakening Details of a Typical Consult and Accommodate Shakedown

10. There Are NO “Missing Children”. (Four articles)

11. The False Comparisons Between the Jewish and Indigenous Peoples of Canada

12. The Never-Ending, Debilitating, Civic Childhood of Aboriginal Canadians

13. Great Britain: A Conqueror With a Conscience

14. The Doctrine of Discovery and Papal Bulls- Not Worth the Papal They’re Written On.

15. The Ancestors of the Indigenous Peoples of Canada: Migrators, Murderous Conquerors and “Settlers”: Violent Colonialists Par Extraordinaire

16. Baselessly including “Metis peoples” in the section 35 definition of “aboriginal peoples”: a sad, illiberal recipe for folly, waste and social disharmony.

17. A Lamentable Tale of Two Colonies: New Zealand is threatening to go down the same disastrous “decolonization” path as Canada.

18. My C2C Journal article about the intellectually baseless, personally harmful, benignly racist and socially divisive concept of the “Metis” in Canada.

19. The Kamloops “Mass Grave” Lie: A Betrayal by our Elites of Canada and of all Canadians, Past and Present.

20. (a) My original version of: First Nations Reserves: Off-limits to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

20. (b) C2C Journal November 20/22 version of (a): Why Doesn’t the Charter Apply to All Canadians?

20. (c) “Two Competing Versions of “Indigenous Difference” Square Off at the Supreme Court of Canada” – The Issues Which the Supreme Court of Canada will consider and decide in the appeal by Cindy Dickson of the Yukon Court of Appeal’s decision that Indigenous reserves are Charter-free zones.

21. Ottawa’s Plan For “Reconciliation” Will Destroy Canada

22. The Federal Government’s Heedless and Unprincipled Giveaway of Billions of Taxpayer Dollars to Legally Undeserving Aboriginal Litigation Claimants

23. The Canadian Judiciary is Not Being Seen as Independent or Impartial in Aboriginal Civil Matters

24. Canada’s Elites Have Killed Champlain’s Dream

25. The Essential Humanity of the Migrators to Canada

26. The Trudeau Government’s UNDRIP-based Action Plan for the Destruction of the Canadian State


28. By Declaring Mohawk Smuggling, Fraud, Conspiracy and Gangsterism a Constitutionally Protected Aboriginal Right the Canadian Judiciary, Lockstep with the Trudeau Federal Government, Continues Its Relentless Attack Against the Canadian State

29. First Nations Reserves: Canada’s National System of Harmful, Illiberal Gated Communities


31. The Supreme Court of Canada Endorses Granting to Indigenous Communities Quasi- Property Rights in Their Children

32. The Rule of Law and Faith in the Judiciary are Diminished When Judges Become Historians and Social Issues Partisans.

33. In Personally Cruel and Totalitarian Fashion, the City Council of Quesnel, B.C. and Neighbouring First Nations Suppress a Book and Attack and Defame Those of Their Citizens Who Would Read It.

34. Only an Overwhelming and Transformative Shock-like Event Will Knock Canada Out of the Benignly Racist, Destructive, Self-Mortifying Status Quo that Governs its Relationship with Our Aboriginal Citizens – a Precondition to the Necessary Reform and Rebirth of Canada as a Non-Race State

35. The Aryan Blood/Race Myths Underlying the Aboriginal Separatist Movement

36. By Signing the Manitoba Red River Metis “Treaty” Canada Continues to Fragment and Weaken Itself from Within

37. C2C Journal edited version of #36.

38.  Immovable Constitutional Duties Owed to Aboriginal Peoples Emasculate Canada’s Ability to Defend Itself Against Donald Trump’s Threats and Attacks

39. Constitutional Shackles – Part 1

The Constitutional Duty on Elected Legislatures to Consult and Accommodate Aboriginal Peoples in Relation to Proposed Resource Projects Shackles Canada’s Ability to Defend Itself Against Donald Trump’s Threats and Attacks and thus Gravely Harms the National Interest

40. Constitutional Shackles – Part 2

Aboriginal Title Vitiates Uniform National Crown Sovereignty and Emasculates Canada’s Ability to Defend Itself Against Donald Trump’s Threats and Attacks


Years of Police and Political Passivity and Acquiescence in the Face of Indigenous Lawbreaking Created a Permissive Template for the 2022 Illegal Occupations


Some of the hard truths of science are being challenged by persons who and institutions which put funding and “social justice” considerations ahead of these hard truths. The hard truth that there are only two sexes, male and female, is an example. The hard truth that there is no such thing as distinct Indigenous “blood” is another. (See my article, The Unintentional Racism Underlying the Indigenous Rights Movement, elsewhere on this website.)

The immediately below article, published in the Fall 2020 edition of the Royal Ontario Museum quarterly magazine, shows that this trend, in my opinion, is leaking into and degrading the discipline of archaeology.

My ROM Archaeology letter is the letter I sent to the ROM on February 21st, 2021 taking objection to this. To date I have received no acknowledgment or reply, which I think is a poor show on the part of the Museum, a publicly funded institution which should be encouraging respectful and challenging debate and inquiry.

ROM Archaeology letter.docx


Canadians are constantly being accused by Indigenous interests of “violating the treaties.” They never say how the treaties are being violated, and our somnolent media never asks. They just say it, and that seems to make it an established fact. It’s clear that no one, not even the Indigenous person or group making the accusation, has actually read the treaties. They should. They make interesting reading. They show that the Indigenous treaty signers made a whole host of treaty promises that no one ever mentions, which could be summed up by the phrase “Be loyal to the Queen and obey her laws,” which promises are continually being broken by Indigenous groups. The two articles below, the first dated March 4, 2021 (3A) and the second Dorchester Review article dated February 22, 2023 (3B) show recent examples of this situation. And again, the media and Indigenous proponents of the stories discussed below clearly didn’t take the time to read or properly deal with Treaty 6, the central element of both situations.

And again, in relation to the first article, like in the ROM situation, I wrote a respectful letter to Ms. Constance MacIntosh, the Dalhousie Law Professor quoted in the article, enclosing a draft of the article and requesting her view on the substance of it and on this overlooked legal point, (i.e. What is the significance, if any, of these overlooked Indigenous treaty promises?- Did any Court case discuss them? Why aren’t they ever brought up?), and like in the ROM situation, was met with silence. No acknowledgment, no reply. Again, an anti-intellectual, cowardly poor show publicly funded institution! The slightest respectful questioning of their Indigenous orthodoxy and they clam up!

It would be in our country’s best interests if these University and ROM academics, and all others in their similar position of power and influence, would shed some of their reflexive, narrow-minded defensiveness, expressed too often as outright hostility to people who disagree with them. Would that they had the confidence and open-mindedness to try to live the precept of the French philosopher Montaigne, who wrote:

When I am contradicted it arouses my attention, not my wrath. I move towards the man who contradicts me, he is instructing me. The cause of truth ought to be common to both of us.


First Nations Blockade Violates Treaty Promises



The immediately below article is a distillation of chapter 1 of There Is No Difference, and expresses the fundamental reason why I was moved to write the book.


Indigenous advocates constantly assert that Aboriginals had a complete legal system- similar in nature to the Anglo-Canadian system (except for Quebec) that they have always been governed by, before we “settlers” came and somehow made it vanish. I disagree. The immediately below article explains why I disagree.

The Myth of Indigenous Law in Canada

And, as published by Frontier Centre for Public Policy on August 11, 2021:


“All persons on the state’s territory are due the equal protection of the law, but only citizens are full participants in the social contract with special rights and duties. – Francis Fukuyama- Liberalism and its Discontents (2022)

The Supreme Court of Canada granted legal rights enforceable in Canada to American Indians, persons not members of the Canadian “social contract”.

I wrote the immediately below article about this “post-national” case and published it here. Then I submitted it to the great online journalistic website, C2C Journal for publication. They saw its importance and agreed to publish it, but in an edited version. See their final, edited version of the same article.

And now, the prediction I made in these articles to the effect that, based on this foolish, “post-national” decision, American Indians would be demanding a say in Canadian resource development projects, either on their own behalf or as fronts for unknown foreign interests, is coming true. Read this February 2024 article about a group of Southeast Alaska tribes demanding that Canada recognize their right to have a legal say in how Canada deals with transboundary lands and water in Canada. Read this April 19th, 2024 article, On a ‘borderless’ river, U.S. Indigenous groups eye Canadian law to sway B.C. mining projects, and this similar June, 2024 Globe & Mail article:

And now, December 2, 2024, American Indian tribes have actually sued to stop a B.C. gold mine going forward. Thank you, Supreme Court of Canada.

It is truly shameful what the Supreme Court has done here, and equally shameful that our clueless political elites have not howled with outrage at this direct attack on Canadian national sovereignty within Canada’s own national borders. What other country would allow this? What a laughing stock Canada is showing itself to be.

A Harmful Supreme Court Ruling Grants Canadian Aboriginal Rights to American Indians

Now, the version edited by C2C Journal, immediately below.


The immediately below-described Blueberry River First Nation legal decision, decided by the Supreme Court of British Columbia in the Summer of 2021, and not appealed by the UNDRIP-drunk B. C. government, exemplifies the incredible hypocrisy of the Blueberry River band, (and any other Indian band that will assuredly take advantage of it and make the same arguments), taking and demanding full advantage of all that modern, Euro-Canadian life has to offer them, and then turning around and saying that that very modernity- that very economic and social progress that Canada has achieved over the past century, again, which Blueberry has solidly benefitted from– (I wonder how much the Canadian taxpayer paid for the Chief’s truck?) is a breach of the federal government’s implied treaty promise to preserve Blueberry’s 19th century hunting, fishing and trapping, roaming way of life forever (!) failing which the federal government, and by extension the Canadian taxpayers, will have to compensate them somehow. So, we continue making the present transfer payments to Blueberry to ensure that they live by modern standards, and now we pay further grants on top of that as “damages” for, by allowing progress to happen, failing to enable them to live in their presumably cherished and preferred old-fashioned manner: simply “off the land”. Another stunningly ill-considered, totally-divorced-from-reality, Crown sovereignty-destroying decision from our hyper-active Courts on Indigenous matters.

The British Columbia Supreme Court Rules Human Progress To Be A Treaty Violation

7 -A- The Shameful Epilogue

Immediately below is the link to the B.C. government’s October, 2021 official press release announcing their complete cave-in settlement with Blueberry First Nation. Blueberry gets $65 million dollars in cash and other benefits and their lawyers get paid in full. The disastrous precedent that the legal decision represents stands, thus opening the door to Indian bands all across British Columbia, and across Canada, making similar, hypocritical, ludicrous claims, which claims, in B.C., the B.C. government, by its own reckless acquiescence in them and by its reckless and suicidal disregard for basic, timeless principles of necessary state sovereignty, will be legally powerless to refute or defend. Also, the settlement does not settle these matters for all time. The settlement gives Blueberry a permanent seat “at the table” in relation to all resource projects, present and future, in their “traditional lands”, thus ensuring for Blueberry an infinite number of future opportunities to further shake down resource companies and B.C. and Canadian taxpayers.

7 -B-

And, just as I predicted, (and have been saying for years about these sovereignty-diminishing, job-killing laws and Court decisions, investment capital is considering moving out of British Columbia. See immediately below.


And now, Alberta First Nations are following suit. (Lawsuit.)


And now, Saskatchewan and Ontario First Nations are following suit.

The whole thing is becoming a Crown sovereignty-destroying free for all!


“All societies need to make use of force, both to preserve internal order and to protect themselves from external enemies. A liberal society does this by creating a powerful state, but then constraining that power under a rule of law. The state’s power is based on a social contract between autonomous individuals who agree to give up their rights to do as they please in return for the state’s protection. It is legitimated both by the common acceptance of the law, and, if it is a liberal democracy, through popular elections. Liberal rights are meaningless if they cannot be enforced by a state, which, by Max Weber’s famous definition, is a legitimate monopoly of force over a defined territory…Ultimate power, in other words, continues to be the province of national states, which means that control of this power at this level remains critical.” -Francis Fukuyama – Liberalism and its Discontents (2022). (italics added)

With the passage of section 35 of the Constitution Act, and the radical state-weakening manner it has been interpreted by the Supreme Court of Canada, which has been shamefully acquiesced in by our elected governments, these fundamental state-maintaining principles are under threat in Canada.

This Frontier Centre for Public Policy article deals with this issue.


No journalist, politician, project proponent or Indigenous representative has, to my knowledge, ever shared with the public the details of the nature and extent of Indigenous “consult and accommodate”, and now UNDRIP, demands. In B.C., DRIPA and aboriginal title demands are on top of all that. These details- appalling, state-weakening, economically demoralizing, financially impossible for many project proponents to meet, racially divisive and morally depressing generally- show an alarming picture of Court and government-authorized Indigenous shakedown activity taken to the highest and most sophisticated, systematized, harmful and ambitious degree possible. It’s a feast for Indian Industry lawyers. A reading of typical Indigenous documentation in this regard leads the reader to the inevitable conclusion: “This has to be harmful to the public interest! Canada can’t go on like this! Why are project proponents acting like sheep in the face of this? This will kill our resource industry! This is so unfair and divisive!” This Frontier Centre for Public Policy article deals with this Canadian economy, existential issue.

The State-Weakening Details of a Typical Consult and Accommodate Shakedown


Are There Really Thousands of Missing Indigenous Children?

EssayAboriginal FuturesBrian Giesbrecht October 21, 2021

One year later, there is still no evidence of unmarked graves or missing children at former residential schools.- Article by Thomas Flanagan, Brian Giesbrecht and Nina Green.

11. The False Comparisons Between the Jewish and Aboriginal Peoples of Canada

There’s a baseless movement on the part of some influential Canadian Jewish individuals and organizations- a movement that underplays the recent history of Israel and gravely insults Holocaust victims and their surviving family members- to align their political interests and goals with those of Canadian aboriginal elites. This movement also unsuccessfully attempts to compare Jewish history and the present political situation of Israel with the present political situation of aboriginal Canadians and their history in Canada, as portrayed by aboriginal elites.

This essay deals with this topic.


The “separate but equal”, ghetto-like, reserve system, buttressed by the Indian Act, which former AFN Regional Chief Isadore Day correctly described as “legislative racism”, and section 35 of the Constitution Act, keep Aboriginal Canadians in a state of perpetual, civic childhood. These laws rob them, and us, of the profound benefits of us all sharing the blessings and necessary burdens of the Canadian experience as true equals.

First, my long version as originally written.

The Never-Ending, Debilitating, Civic Childhood of Aboriginal Canadians

Then the shorter, edited version published by Frontier Centre for Public Policy on April 26, 2022.


“Looking at global history as a whole, it is abundantly clear that Europeans were no more prone to violence, hierarchy, patriarchy, or slavery than any other people on Earth. In fact, the last few centuries have demonstrated nearly the opposite: Western civilization has been the overwhelming force behind the triumph of human rights in modern global society. The includes the abolition of slavery, women’s rights, gay rights, minority rights- in short, every form of equality that most modern people hold dear. This human rights revolution was made possible through the advance of European learning and technology- the same learning and technology that are lamented so bitterly by those who criticize European expansionism and colonization.” – Historian Jeffery Fynn-Paul.

Great Britain has been unjustly maligned.

Great Britain: A Conqueror With a Conscience


The Doctrine of Discovery and Papal Bulls- Not Worth the Papal They’re Written On


“By 1780, the Iroquois Nation had stolen the equivalent of at least six times their original territory, all from neighboring tribes. From their original base in New York State, they had emptied much of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, and much of Southern Ontario of its former inhabitants. Whether or not one ascribes the Iroquois success to the presence of European firearms, the fact is the Iroquois, when given enough power, proved more than willing to permanently extinguish every Indian tribe they could get their hands on- this despite the efforts of the French and English to protect many of the Iroquois’ victims.” – Historian Jeffery Lynn-Paul.

The below essay expands on this topic, putting the complete lie to the idea that Indigenous peoples, prior to European contact, live in a peaceful Edenic state, as Indigenous propagandists falsely state.

The Ancestors of the Indigenous Peoples of Canada: Migrators, Murderous Conquerors and “Settlers”: Violent Colonialists Par Extraordinaire


Baselessly including “Metis peoples” in the section 35 definition of “aboriginal peoples”: a sad, illiberal recipe for folly, waste and social disharmony.

17. Article: “A Lamentable Tale of Two Colonies”. New Zealand is threatening to go down the same disastrous “decolonization” path as Canada.



The Kelowna “Mass Grave” Lie: A Betrayal by our Elites of Canada and all Canadians, Past and Present



First Nations Reserves: Charter-Free Zones- Off-Limits to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms



Two Competing Versions of “Indigenous Difference” Square off at the Supreme Court of Canada- The Issues Before the Court in the Cindy Dickson Appeal


Ottawa’s Plan for Reconciliation will Destroy Canada


The Trudeau government is operating a veritable candy store for Indigenous groups and their big city lawyers- giving them billions for imaginary “damages” in situations where non-Indigenous litigants with the same complaints wouldn’t get a cent. This is called Reparations by Stealth by University of Calgary Professor Tom Flanagan, in which the below article is linked to. This is the most recent example (March 14, 2023):

First Nations sue Canada over child-welfare system’s destruction of culture, language
Ten Prairie-based First Nations are suing the Canadian government in Federal Court over the loss of language, culture and tradition inflicted on communities by the modern First Nations child-welfare system. Will they offer the Canadian government a credit for the GAINS they have experienced as the result of their eager “cultural appropriation” of Euro-Canadian technology and education? Their hypocrisy is stunning.

Read in CBC News:

The below article, written and posted before this most recent candy store lawsuit was announced, describes the disgraceful, profligate, recklessly irresponsible behavior on the part of the federal government in regards to it always caving and paying and never fighting these frivolous, legally empty lawsuits.

Also, updating the article in one respect, in October of 2023 the compromised and biased Federal Court approved the $23 billion giveaway settlement– the largest in Canadian history- for First Nation children and families who allegedly experienced racial discrimination through the federal government’s alleged chronic underfunding of the on-reserve foster care system and other family services. Neither the mainstream media nor the opposition parties raised a peep of protest over this outrageous giveaway.

The article:

The Federal Government’s Heedless and Unprincipled Giveaway of Billions of Taxpayer Dollars to Legally Undeserving Aboriginal Litigation Claimants


Apropos the immediately above:

The Canadian Judiciary is Not Being Seen as Independent or Impartial in Aboriginal Civil Matters


Samuel de Champlain dreamt of a Canada where Indigenous persons married European persons, producing children who would live in a state of social harmony and equality under the law. Our present elites have said: “Forget that. Our goal is to keep Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians living-legally and socially-separate and apart forever.”

Canada’s Elites Have Killed Champlain’s Dream

25. A defence of all our non-Indigenous, unjustly maligned, ancestors.


The Trudeau Government’s UNDRIP-based Action Plan for the Destruction of the Canadian State

27- A



27- B

C2C Journal’s edited version of 27-A


Shorter Financial Post version of C2C Journal’s edited version, published November 7th in the National Post/Financial Post.


Beginning of the aftermath: The first (cowardly- they should be screaming bloody murder!) note of dissent from industry.

B.C.’s move to modenize mineral claims is making the mining industry nervous
Nearly six months after B.C.’s Supreme Court ordered the province to modernize its mineral claim system, Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation Minister Josie Osborne announced the launch of a consultation process to update the Mineral Tenure Act. The province is also pausing mining activity, new permits and mineral claims in Gitxaała Nation and Ehattesaht First Nations territory.

Read in Politics Today:


It’s becoming near-justifiable to say that in the area of Aboriginal law our courts are becoming, unwittingly, near-disloyal to Canada. Institutions born of and dependent upon Canadian state sovereignty, they have become foolishly supportive of devolving much of that sovereignty to so-called “sovereign” First Nations. They have become foolishly supportive of the legitimate existence and efficacy of so-called “Indigenous legal systems”, which will, and as the Mohawk case discussed below demonstrates, are already now, competing and clashing with their own Anglo-Canadian legal system, the latter of which they swore to uphold when they became Judges. Grave harm to Canada is ensuing from this. Even Supreme Court of Canada Justice Malcolm Rowe seems to be catching on to the obvious dangers here of excessive judicial activism, criticizing the increasing tendency for courts “to make decisions increasingly governmental in nature…in complex public policy issues traditionally reserved for legislatures and executives.”

Although, in partial defense of the courts, in the area of Aboriginal law, they are being told by the UNDRIP-obsessed federal government that its okay: their harmful rulings against the sovereignty of the Canadian state are in lockstep with official government policy.

In a healthy liberal democracy courts should rarely be in automatic lockstep with the legislative and executive branches. They should act as a check- a counterbalance- on them where required. (An example of this is happening in Israel today, where the courts are resisting the dangerous, state- imperiling, nationalist expansionism of Netanyahu.) As I argue in the article linked-to below, our courts are failing to exercise this counterbalancing function in the area of Canadian Aboriginal law and Aboriginal policies generally, where similar state-imperiling circumstances exist.

By Declaring Mohawk Smuggling, Fraud, Conspiracy and Gangsterism a Constitutionally Protected Aboriginal Right the Canadian Judiciary, Lockstep with the Trudeau Federal Government, Continues Its Relentless Attack Against the Canadian State.


First Nations Reserves: Canada’s National System of Harmful, Illiberal Gated Communities




The Supreme Court of Canada Endorses Granting to Indigenous Communities Quasi- Property Rights in Their Children


The Rule of Law and Faith in the Judiciary are Diminished When Judges Become Historians and Social Issues Partisans.


In Personally Cruel and Totalitarian Fashion, the City Council of Quesnel, B.C. and Neighbouring First Nations Suppress a Book and Attack and Defame Those of Their Citizens Who Would Read It.


Only an Overwhelming and Transformative Shock-like Event Will Knock Canada Out of the Benignly Racist, Destructive, Self-Mortifying Status Quo that Governs its Relationship with Our Aboriginal Citizens – a Precondition to the Necessary Reform and Rebirth of Canada as a Non-Race State.


The Aryan Blood/Race Myths Underlying the Aboriginal Separatist Movement


By Signing the Manitoba Red River Metis “Treaty” Canada Continues to Fragment and Weaken Itself from Within



Immovable Constitutional Duties Owed to Aboriginal Peoples Emasculate Canada’s Ability to Defend Itself Against Donald Trump’s Threats and Attacks

39. Constitutional Shackles – Part 1

The Constitutional Duty on Elected Legislatures to Consult and Accommodate Aboriginal Peoples in Relation to Proposed Resource Projects Shackles Canada’s Ability to Defend Itself Against Donald Trump’s Threats and Attacks and thus Gravely Harms the National Interest

40. Constitutional Shackles – Part 2

Aboriginal Title Vitiates Uniform National Crown Sovereignty and Emasculates Canada’s Ability to Defend Itself Against Donald Trump’s Threats and Attacks
